Caring For Your Turkish Cotton

At Massall, we're dedicated to delivering top-quality Turkish cotton products that offer both luxury and durability. To keep your Turkish cotton items soft, absorbent, and beautiful for years, follow these essential care tips:

1. Machine Wash with Care
 Machine wash your Turkish cotton towels and textiles in cold or warm water, preferably under 30 degrees Celsius (86 degrees Fahrenheit).
Use a gentle cycle and mild detergent to preserve the fabric's softness and colour vibrancy. Avoid using bleach or fabric softeners, as they can damage the cotton fibres.

2. Avoid Overloading
 To prevent excessive wear and tear, avoid overloading your washing machine with too many Turkish cotton items at once. This ensures proper cleaning and rinsing.

3. Line Drying
 For the best results, consider line drying your Turkish cotton items in the shade. This method helps maintain the fabric's integrity and colour. Avoid direct sunlight, as it can cause fading.

4. Ironing
 You can iron your Turkish cotton items if desired. Use a low to medium heat setting and iron while the fabric is slightly damp for best results.

5. No Tumble Dryer Recommended
 Avoid using a tumble dryer for your Turkish cotton products, as it can affect the fabric's softness and longevity. Turkish Cotton dries exceptionally fast on its own.

6. Avoid Contact with Harsh Chemicals
 Keep your Turkish cotton products away from harsh chemicals, such as chlorine and bleach. These chemicals can weaken the cotton fibres and affect the colour.

7. Use a Gentle Spin Cycle
 When machine washing, opt for a cycle with fewer than 800 spins per minute, as higher spins can be unforgiving for the tassels and delicate details on some items.

8. Storage
 Store your Turkish cotton items in a dry and well-ventilated space when not in use. Avoid storing them in damp or humid conditions.


 By following these care instructions, you can maintain the quality and longevity of your Turkish cotton products. Turkish cotton naturally becomes softer and more absorbent with each wash, ensuring lasting luxury and comfort. Enjoy the enduring quality of Massall's Turkish cotton items for years to come.